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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 6

Naslov:Theorizing a new agenda for architecture : an anthology of architectural theory 1965-1995 / Kate Nesbitt, editor
Impresum:New York : Princeton University Press , 1996
Materijalni opis:606 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Str. 585-590: Bibliografija, i uz većinu radova. - Kazalo. - Bilješka o autorima
Ključne riječi:urbana sociologija * arhitektura - društveni aspekti * arhitektura - povijesni prikaz * postmodernizam * poststrukturalizam * dekonstrukcija * komunitarizam * fenomenologija mjesta * prostor * lokalne kulture * arhitektura - etička dimenzija * rod * feministička teorija * dizajn
Ostali autori / urednici:Nesbitt, Kate
Namjena :Studija antropologije
Signatura:SOC 316.334.56 THEO
Inventarni broj:11482A
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za sociologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/sociologija

Autor(i):Nankov, Nikita
Naslov:Postmodernizam i kulturni izazovi / Nikita Nankov ; s engleskog prevela Marija Paprašarovski
Impresum:Zagreb : Hrvatsko filološko društvo , 2004
Materijalni opis:323 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Književna smotra
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Postmodernism and postcommunism. - Bilješka o autoru: str. 323. - Bibliografske bilješke i bibliografija uz tekst
Ključne riječi:pripovijedanje - teorija * postmoderna - teorija pripovijedanja * postmoderna - kulturološki aspekti * Eco, Umberto * Ricoeur, Paul * Sartre, Jean Paul - Bitak i ništavilo * film * filmska umjetnost * Scorsese, Martin - Kralj komedije * Fosse, Bob - Lenny * poststaljinistički film * Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Patnje mladoga Werthera * Milev, Geo
Ostali autori / urednici:Paprašarovski, Marija
Signatura:SF 118208
Inventarni broj:69512, 69513, 69652
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor(i):Bauman, Zygmunt
Naslov:Liquid fear / Zygmunt Bauman
Impresum:Cambridge ; Malden, MA : Polity Press , 2006
Materijalni opis:188 str. ; 23 cm
Napomena:Bibliografske bilješke. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:tjeskoba * globalizacija * postmodernizam -- društveni aspekti * civilizacija -- 20. stoljeće
Sažetak:Introduction: on the origin, dynamics and uses of fear. -1. Dread of death. -2. Fear and evil. -3. Horror of the unmanageable. -4. Terrors of the global. -5. Setting fears afloat. -6. Thought against fear (or, an inconclusive conclusion for those who may ask what might be done)
UDK:316 * 130.2
Namjena :doktorski studij književnosti
Signatura:316 BAUM LIQ
Inventarni broj:III-3007, III-3764
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Nankov, Nikita
Naslov:Postmodernizam i kulturni izazovi / Nikita Nankov ; s engleskoga prevela Marija Paprašarovski
Impresum:Zagreb : Hrvatsko filološko društvo , 2004
Materijalni opis:323 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Književna smotra
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Postmodernism and postcommunism
Ključne riječi:pripovijedanje -- teorija * teorija pripovijedanja * naratologija * Postmoderna -- Teorija pripovijedanja * Postmoderna -- Kulturološki aspekti
UDK:82.0-3 * 821.09
Signatura:82.0 NAN P
Inventarni broj:04/300
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Morley, David
Naslov:Home territories : media, mobility and identity / David Morley
Impresum:London ; New York : Routledge , cop. 2000
Materijalni opis:[xx], 340 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Comedia
Napomena:Bibliografske bilješke. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:kulturalni studiji * masovni mediji - društveni aspekti * grupni identitet * zemljopis - populacija * postmodernizam - društveni aspekti
Sažetak:INTRODUCTION. -A place to start from. -Heim and Heimat. -Microwaving the macro theory. -Disciplinarity: multi, inter or post?. -Where the global meets the local. -Travelling and dwelling. -1 IDEAS OF HOME. -Origins and belongings. -The domestic home: space, rules and comfort. -Homes and houses. -The history of home in urban space: a story of separations. -The social distribution of privacy and comfort. -The symbolism of home. -Privatisation and domesticity. -Homelessnes in a home-centered culture. -2 HEIMAT, MODERNITY AND EXILE. -At home in the Heimat. -Rootlessness as disorder. -The road to the nation. -Defending the national home. -Sedentarism, mobility and the hearth. -Geographical monogamy and promiscuity. -At home in modernity. -The migrant's suitcase. -Language, recognition and silence. -Exile: living in the past. -The plight of the Yugo-zombies. -Migrant's homes and alien environments. -Transnational migration: Australian Italians. -Home is where you leave it. -3 THE GENDER OF HOME. -Deconstruction domesticity: family propaganda. -Masculine premisses, gendered anxieties. -Domesticity, modernity and modernism. -The housewife, the home ant the Heimat: woman as home. -Gender, mobility and visibility. -Home, tradition and gender. -The gender of the modern public. -The place of the housewife. -The gendering of global space. -Gender essentialism?. -Heimat's darker shadows: domesticity, dirt and femininity. -The 'heimlich', the 'heimisch' and the 'unheimlich'. -The uncanny art object. -4 AT HOME WITH THE MEDIA. -Domestic media/mediated domesticity. -TV in the modern home. -The media and the construction of domestic routine. -Negotiating difference in the family. -The gendered forms of media consumption. -The end of gender?. -Continuing divisions of gender. -Boundaries and technologies: communities on the phone wires. -Television in the Outback. -Virtual and actual travel. -Bounded realims: household and nation. -Virtual borders, virtual homes. -5 BROADCASTING AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NATIONAL FAMILY. -The mediated nation as symbolic home. -Pareticipatory models of the media: from ideology to sociability. -Beyond the singular public sphere?. -The masculine public. -The whiteness of the public sphere. -White broadcasting in the UK. -Towards a multi-ethnic public sphere?. -Transnational and diasporic public spherea. -6 THE MEDIA, THE CITY AND THE SUBURBS: URBAN AND VIRTUAL GEOGRAPHIES OF EXCLUSION. -Television as a suburban medium. -The suburbs: home with whom?. -Speaking up for the (gendered) suburbs. -Other suburbs. -The ecology of fear: white flight. -Suburbanis - the politics of withdrawal. -Geodemographics: "Where you live is who you are". -The purification of space. -Matter out of place. -Problematic smells and signs. -The writing on the wall. -7 MEDIA, MOBILITY AND MIGRANCY. -Exclusion, withdrawal and mobile privatisation. -Virtual and physical alterity. -Worlds in motion: moving images and deterritorialised viewer. -Migration and representation - symbols of impurity, rituals of purifications. -Spaces of difference: migrants, residential space and media representation in France. -Incarceration in the banlieues. -Territorial symbols. -Geographies and genres of representation. -Beyond the Orientalist image. -German Turks? 'Aüslander' and the others. -8 POSTMODERN, VIRTUAL AND CYBERNETIC GEOGRAPHIES. -Virtual geopgraphies. -(Non) place, home and identity. -Bifocal visions and telesthesia. -Mediated strangers. -Fellowomen, compatriots and contemporaries. -The time of the Other. -Screening the Other. -The geography of sympathy. -The regime of the fictive "We". -The boundaries of cyberspace: access to the Net. -Rhetorics of the technological sublime?. -Community lite and communitarianism. -The power geometry of "connexity". -New geographies and differential mobilities. -Tourists and vagabonds. -9 BORDERS AND BELONGINGS: STRANGERS AND FOREIGNERS. -Global culture: a boarderless world?. -Unsettling motion. -Citizenship and belonging. -Pilgrims and nomads: from (rapid) journeys to Generalised Arrival. -Continuing difficulties with differences. -Island boundaries. -Boundary, identity and conflict: social and psychological mechanisms. -Homely racism. -The racialisation of space. -Nationalism, narcissism and minor differences. -Kristeva: the problem of "the foreigner". -Domesticating alterity. -10 COSMOPOLITICS: BOUNDARY, HYBRIDITY AND IDENTITY. -Cosmopolitics and connexity: the new condition of the world?. -The migrant in limbo. -The value of mobility: home truths?. -The historical roots of "nomadology". -Discrepant and variable cosmopolitanisms. -Hybridity talk. -The commodification of differences. -Anti-anti-essentialism. -Differential hybridities. -Nationalism and conjuncturalism. -Nation, community, and household: the fuzzy logics of solidarity. -11 POSTMODERNISM, POST-STRUCTURALISM AND THE POLITICS OF DIFFERENCE: AT HOME IN EUROPE?. -Nostalgia, belonging and fear. -Cultural fundamentalism and Homo Xenophobicus. -Beyond identity politics?. -Community, difference and Heimat. -Europe: living on the ethnic faultlines. -The making of EuroCulture. -Europe as an unresolved issue. -Fortress Europe. -The Other within
UDK:316.7 * 316.77
Namjena :jedan primjerak za poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:316.7 MOR H
Inventarni broj:2001/201, III-2038
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Nankov, Nikita
Naslov:Postmodernizam i kulturni izazovi / Nikita Nankov ; s engleskoga prevela Marija Paprašarovski
Impresum:Zagreb : Hrvatsko filološko društvo , 2004
Materijalni opis:323 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Književna smotra
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Postmodernism and postcommunism
Ključne riječi:znanost o književnosti * teorija književnosti * pripovijedanje * postmodernizam-teorija pripovijedanja * postmodernizam-kulturološki aspekti
Signatura:RO 82.0/.09 NANK p
Inventarni broj:31969
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za romanistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/romanistika

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(postmodernizam and not - drutveni aspekti )
